(L)ove the internet here its so fast!
A sneak peak of today's pictures while I upload the rest! Kaiying and I shopped till our backbones hurt like crazy (mine was hurting alot to start with). Causeway bay (tong lo wan) is shopping heaven I think. There's nothing much in times square though, only branded stuff. The only thing we could afford at the moment was starbucks gingerbread mocha (you don't get it in Spore!)
We're going out again tomorrow and guess what, the world is so tiny I saw melissa (choir senior) at causewaybay! keep seeing her everywhere even in Singapore lol!
Bought alot of stuff and I'm feeling really happy ^_^
Stuff I bought today!
Jacket from UNI QLO (something like muji, I guess), 79 HKD :D
Muji marshmallows and blank jigsaw, 3 X 10 HKD and 45 HKD
Tshirt from Mastina, 65 HKD
Giraffe puppet, 30 HKD
VCDs, 19 HKD and 29 HKD.
scarf was bought the day before at 190 for two (my grandma got the other)
Oh, divide them by 5.2 and you get your SGD price.
Some accounts if not I'll keep spending o_O...
Times Square! They should cut down the stupid tree and there were sooo many people I couldn't take a proper photo of that place! O:
There was an exhibition at times square, all displaying the artworks by Carrie Chau! I really like them :)
Great display
pardon the shadow
ky feeding the doll
me feeding starbucks gingerbread mocha to a...statue watchamacallit
kaiying and the sea of artworks!
! O:
I'm supposed to be doing the same hand action as them but it looks as if i'm trying to feed them again o_O
starbucks again!
As you can see, its our "posing object" LOL, appears in every photo!
That's the shop
I look like I belong in a photoframe?!
Kaiying's favourite doll! (I think Riane would like it too lol!)
My favourite dolls! (there's two babies in the mom's pouch!)
ky looking at a giant w
Quite interesting, eh?
Can anybody figure out its meaning? There's like Jesus and Mary and two men there. Adam and eve? wut?
beautiful lanterns :D
We left times square and shopped at SOGO (loads of jap food and stuff) we ate the most delicious okonomayaki there and noodle omlettes! Same as the ones in TAKA but MUCH better in terms of taste. HKD 20 for a plate, that's around 3.80 SGD. GOOD DEAL :D
Then we saw jelly beans:
same as the ones in Spore! We got 100 grams each but they were abit too expensive (5 SGD for a LEEETLE pack) so we put it down somewhere discreetly hahha.
zomg that's kimura takuya posing for the Levi's 501s! There was 50% discount there but we didn't find anything nice ):
me eating a macaroon (fake one of course)
Kaiying eating...I forgot what! Sorry for the poor lighting didn't adjust stuff.
Taken at 5 +! That's where I met melissa and here are the roadside stalls where we bought a giraffe puppet! :D
My hands shook cause I was afraid somebody would whack me.
BLA BLA BRA. what a bla bla name!
Izzue. The black roses on the floor looked like spiders at first yucks.
We also went to Tom Lee (a place selling musical instruments and scores), there's like ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT of pianos there, from yamaha to different types of european brands! There's also many flutes and other orchestra instruments. I still want to learn the flute ): ): ):
Anybody wants any scores? Its rather cheap there.
CDs too yup.
Then it was home :D We didn't sit down at all throughout the shopping trip ):
My stop!
the crowd. The people were staring at me cause I kept taking photos LOL.
tsuenwan mtr station! (yeah its called mtr there)
A statue outside the block. Its been there for yearsss.
Reached home at around 8 pm, sat 238M (bus). Ate instant noodles and fruits and vegetables!
I MISS SINGAPORE ALOT ALOT!! Ky and I both miss our chicken rice and prawn me and..HOKKIEN MEE!!!!
I miss alot of people too please come online and talk to me !!!
Seeyou that's DAY FOUR, meeting kaiying at 11 at causeway bay tomorrow for 公展会, some big thing held in a place like expo. maybe i'll take pictures, its a big event till 4th jan with LOADS OF FOOD SAMPING.
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